The Healthy Habit of Keeping a Personal Journal

Writing everyday events on the Goodnight Journal helps release stress, manage emotions, and clear the mind of intrusive thoughts.

Try to define yourself in a few sentences and you will discover how unknown you are to yourself.

The key is to open the window to what’s going on inside us and honestly write it down, which is not an easy task as we tend to lie more to ourselves than to others. The dialogue established with the self bears fruit when it is not a complacent activity, that is when its purpose is not to justify our actions or record our triumphs, but to examine our unique experiences, without putting aside doubts and mistakes. that accompany the decisions we make along the way.

In any case, if you’re not a writer, you needn’t worry making lists, writing sentences without grammatical rigor, or scribbling outlines is just as beneficial. There are as many versions of diaries as diarists because the diary is a space where anything goes. What is essential, after all, is what Socrates claimed: a life that is not examined is not worth living.

Goodnight Journal is a useful tool so that you don’t end up sharing space

Take the test: open your Goodnight Journal and try to define yourself in a few sentences. With this simple exercise, many people will discover how unknown they are to themselves. The Goodnight Journal is a useful tool so that you don’t end up sharing space with this other self you haven’t heard from for a long time, even though they both carry the same identity document.

To unravel the web of thoughts that disturb us − the brain tends to torment itself with unresolved issues or whose meaning escapes it − we only need a pen and paper. They are effective weapons to capture the elusive ideas that we have and end up disappearing if we don’t express them immediately.

The solitary art of inner listening in front of the blank page forces us to adapt to the slow rhythm of the words that emerge in the writing process, to submit ourselves to their linear order in space, and to discern the important from the accessory, the recurrent from the ephemeral, the painful of the joyful. We give structure to what was once just a disordered mix of things with no apparent relationship to each other.

Writing a journal on Goodnight Journal makes us aware that we are changeable, multiple, contradictory, and that to live fully we need to take care of ourselves, love ourselves, and forgive ourselves.

Do yourself a favor and set aside 10 minutes a day to rediscover yourself.