Journal Challenge

Well, what is a Journal? When you read this word, the first thing that comes to our mind is A diary, a notebook, and a short book you carry when you visit exotic places? Well, a journal can be understood differently by different categories of readers and writers. A technical journal might be one which is not meant for the general audience, it needs those technical minds to read and understand the meaning of it all! A journal, to the common people, might be a simple goal book where one would love to write down his or her thoughts and would like to track down his or her daily routine.  

There can be many challenges to write a journal and make it really cumbersome to pen down those rushing thoughts on those empty pages!

Let us try to understand what can these challenges be:-How to begin?

That is the first thought for a beginner and not a habitual journal writer. One does various activities throughout the day and as he or she sits down to pen those thoughts; it becomes such a gigantic task to mention each activity in a meticulous way.

There are many challenges we face while writing a journal. First thing is that which spot to be selected because this is a main challenge, a good spot is where the writer feels at ease and seems to capture all those activities and can comfortably cherish while going down the memory lane. A cozy spot is necessary for enabling thoughts and words pouring in. second thing comes in mind when I should write a journal? this can be a confusing state of mind when the person thinks when to write the journal? Are you so  busy squeezing out time for that 10 minute write-up or just have no time at all and doze off to sleep as you lay on bed? So best thing is to think and find a place which can be the best place to write a journal and when we are succeed in find the answer of this question another thing come in our mind is that what to write we think a lot over thinking and just thinking!

Now, this is a challenge just is all about thinking and thinking.

Smiling at your thoughts and writing nothing at all. The thought of the journal just makes you go deep in thought and by the time you get back, thinking to write, this happens because of lacks of ideas and this is a normal thing when we think to write something and this is not a new thing, it happens with everyone.

It is next to impossible to write down about the day to day activities and thoughts if you are not expressive and don’t know the right words to pick up and pen down! A different person faces different challenges for writing a journal but when understand it nothing feels better than this you just feel to have a journal and peace.